Catégorie : micro-informatique
C# 2008 and .NET Programming for Electronic Engineers
Programmation en C# 2008 et .NET pour les ingénieurs en électronique

Infos. pratiques
ISBN : 978-0-905705-81-1
Auteur : Dr. John Allwork
Volume : 240 pages
Format : 170 x 235 mm
Epaisseur : 12 mm
Poids : 0,404 kg
Date de parution : 2009
Prix : 37,00 €
Langue : anglais

Table des matières
- version PDF : C#and.NET_Programming_Contents.pdf
- version HTML : voir ci-dessous
- JPG : C#andNETprogramming_cover_72ppp.jpg
- PDF : C#andNETprogramming_cover.pdf

Site de l'auteur : ---

Voir également la version mise à jour et augmentée de cet ouvrage : C# 2010 Programming and PC Interfacing - Visual Studio

Présentation en français
L'auteur s'adresse aux ingénieurs et scientifiques pour leur apprendre la programmation en C# dans l'environnement .NET et montre comment relier du matériel à un PC.

Ce livre couvre l'environnement de développement Visual Studio 2008, le framework .NET et le langage de programmation C#, depuis les types de données et le déroulement du programme jusqu'à des concepts plus avancés, y compris la programmation orientée objet.

Il décrit le débogage des programmes, la manipulation des fichiers, les bases de données, la communication par l'internet et le dessin, avant de passer à l'interfaçage du matériel via les ports parallèles, sériels et USB. Il décrit la réalisation d'un oscilloscope simple relié à un port parallèle, et il interface les E/S analogiques et numériques via un port USB.

C'est un livre complet, avec nombre d'exemples de programme, des exercices d'auto-évaluation et des références à des vidéos d'aide. Les exemples de programme complets sont disponibles pour les professeurs d'université sous forme de documents PowerPoint.

Présentation en anglais
This book is aimed at Engineers and Scientists who want to learn about the NET environment and C# programming or who have an interest in interfacing hardware to a PC.

The book covers the Visual Studio 2008 development environment, the .NET framework and C# programming language from data types and program flow to more advanced concepts including object oriented programming.

It continues with program debugging, file handling, databases, internet communication and plotting before moving to hardware interfacing using serial and parallel ports and the USB port. It includes a hardware design for a simple oscilloscope using a parallel port and interfacing to analogue and digital I/O using the USB port.

It is complete with many program examples, self assessment exercises and references to supporting videos. Full program examples are available as is support for University lecturers in the form of PowerPoint presentations.

Assistant en électronique à la Manchester Metropolitan University, Royaume Uni.
John Allwork, né en 1950 dans le Kent, Angleterre, s'est intéressé à l'électronique à l'école.
Pendant plusieurs années, il a travaillé dans le support technique et comme directeur de la distribution en électronique, en relation étroite avec les ingénieurs d'application d'Intel et en suivant la conception des systèmes Inmos Transputer. Depuis 1991, il est assistant à la Manchester Metropolitan University, au département Engineering and Technology.

John Allwork was born in 1950 in Kent, England and became interested in electronics and engineering at school. He went to Sheffield University on their BEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering course. There he developed an interest in computers and continued his education on an MSc course in Digital Electronics and Communication at UMIST. After two years working for ICL as design, commissioning and test Engineer he returned to UMIST where he graduated with a PhD in 'Design and Development of Microprocessor systems'.
He worked for several years in technical support and as manager in electronics distribution, working closely with Intel Application Engineers and followed this with design work on the Inmos Transputer systems. He has been a lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University in the Engineering and Technology Department since 1991.
His interests apart from electronics include skiing, walking and spending time on his allotment or on his narrowboat.

Table des matières - Contents
1 The Visual Studio C# Environment
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Obtaining the C# software
1.3 The Visual Studio development environment
1.4 Exercises
1.5 Solution Explorer
1.6 Program execution
1.7 Number conversion
1.8 Exercise: Simple calculator
2 Common controls, properties and events
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The Button
2.3 The TextBox
2.4 The ListBox control
2.5 The CheckedListBox
2.6 The CheckBox
2.7 The RadioButton
2.8 The NumericUpDown control
2.9 Displaying Images – the PictureBox control
2.10 Focus and TabIndex
2.11 Even more controls
2.12 Container controls toolbox
2.13 Listing controls
2.14 Exercise: Dating registration form
3 Dialogs and forms
3.1 Introduction
3.2 User messages – The Message Box Dialog
3.3 Creating your own dialogs - Prompting for input
3.4 Splash forms and the Timer control
3.5 Accessing controls on other forms
4 - The C# Language – the basics
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Declarations - Variables and Data type identifiers
4.3 Assignments and operators
4.5 Casting (converting) data types
4.6 Characters and strings
4.7 Logical operations – Boolean data type
4.8 Mathematical Functions
4.9 Date and Time
4.10 Scope
5 The C# Language – arrays, structures and strings
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Arrays
5.3 Multidimensional arrays
5.3 Structures
5.4 Character arrays and strings
5.5 String manipulation
5.6 String conversion
5.7 String methods
5.8 Dynamic Arrays. The ArrayList Class
6 Program Flow, Loops and Decisions
6.1 Introduction
6.2 The if statement
6.3 The switch statement
6.4 Looping - The for statement
6.5 The while and do-while statements
6.6 Exceptions. The try-catch code
7 Object oriented programming: Methods and classes
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Method declaration
7.3 Parameter passing
7.4 Pass by reference – ref and out keywords
7.5 Scope of a method – private and public
7.6 Recursion
7.7 Calling an event
7.8 Classes and Namespaces
8 Object oriented programming – creating objects
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Creating Objects
8.3 Constructors
8.4 The ToString method
8.5 Overriding
8.6 Adding Methods to a class
8.7 Method overloading
8.8 Static classes
8.9 Inheritance
8.10 Overriding methods
9 File handling and menu dialogs
9.1 Introduction
9.2 File Types – Text (ASCII) or Binary
9.3 File Dialog Boxes and MenuStrip control
9.4 Adding Menu items – About box
9.5 PrintDialog boxes
9.6 RichTextBox editor: cut, paste copy and find
9.7 File and Directory classes
9.8 File handling example
10 Graphics and Multimedia
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Drawing Graphics
10.3 The Paint event
10.4 Drawing on the form
10.5 The Pen
10.6 The Brush
10.7 Drawing Text
10.8 Basic Shapes
10.9 Other shapes – arcs, pies, polylines and polygons
10.10 Drawing Graphs and Charts
10.11 Multimedia applications
11 Debugging
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Writing to the Debug Window
11.3 Using the Debugger
11.3.1 Setting a breakpoint
11.3.2 Pausing the Program
11.4 Conditional Breakpoints
11.5 Restarting – Stepping code
11.6 The breakpoint windows
12 Threading
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Threads
12.3 Writing Thread Code
12.4 Thread sleeping example 12.5 Multiple Threading example
12.6 Accessing form controls.from threads
12.7 Other Thread considerations
13 Internet Applications
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Client-Server communication
13.3 TCP and UDP
13.4 Creating a TCP server
13.5 Threads
13.6 Creating a TCP client
13.7 TCP Client-Server application
13.8 TCP Client Code
13.9 UDP communications – A chat program
13.10 A Local Chat program
13.11 Remote Chat program
14 Introduction to Databases
14.1 Introduction
14.2 A typical database
14.3 Dealing with Databases
14.4 Creating a new database
14.5 Adding relationships – Database diagrams
15 Displaying databases
15.1 Introduction
15.2 The dataset, data binding and ActiveX Data Objects (ADO.NET)
15.3 Displaying database information
15.4 Viewing the data set
15.5 Structured Query Language (SQL)
16 Accessing a database with code
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Creating the database
16.3 Displaying the database
17 Plotting and Charts
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Plotting with Nplot
17.3 Obtaining the software
17.4 Adding NPlot to your project
17.5 NPlot Windows Form Tutorial
17.6 Drawing a graph
17.7 Graph exercise
18 Dynamic link libraries (DLL) and using Windows API
18.1 Introduction
18.2 Writing a DLL
18.3 Calling the DLL
18.4 Static Classes
18.5 Windows Application Program Interface (API)
18.6 Using Win API calls
18.7 MessageBox API example
18.8 Playing sounds
18.9 Unsafe code
18.10 DLL for measuring time
19 Hardware interfacing
19.1 Introduction
19.2 The Serial and Parallel ports
19.3 Visual Studio Serial Port control
19.4 Serial Port example program
19.5 Serial Port connections
19.5 The parallel printer interface
19.6 Printer port connections
19.7 Accessing the parallel port
19.7.1 The hardware
19.7.2 The software
19.8 Oscilloscope application
20 USB interfacing
20.1 Introduction
20.2 The USB interface
20.3 USB Module installation and hardware
20.4 USB Module Software
21 Conclusion

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MAJ 01/04/2012